Seller Frequently Asked Questions

If you wish to sell something, email us at

Please provide a detailed description of each item with any notable facts that may interested buyers.

Please also provide clear photographic representations of each item; paintings and sketches clearly photographed or scanned; models should be lit clearly, from front, side and top; three dimensional items (costumes, sculptures, model pieces, etc.) should be photographed from a few angles for clear representation and scale. It helps to provide a ruler in the photograph for any miniatures for scale. Photos should be at a resolution of between 50 - 100 dpi. Send images as attachments and feel free to send separate emails for multiple items.

The minimum listing price for any item is $20 USD. Listing price should include the cost of shipping (please see Shipping Details below).

There is no fee to list items to sell. Should your item be sold there is a 15% transaction fee deducted from the sale of each item. There is no limit to the amount of items you may sell.

If you don't know how to get started please send us an email or call (212-673-6223), we'd be happy to offer suggestions to you on ways to format or reproduce your work, advise you on ways to market what you have, or simply answer any questions. No need to be uncertain, we are here to assist you.